FEAUTRED Laurel Creek Manor – photos01
Paul and I attended high school together. We both played in the band. Paul was confident, sarcastic and the lead clarinet player. And I had the biggest crush on him. It wasn’t until the last month of our senior year that he asked me to the prom, and after first asking him, “Are if you serious?” I happily said, “Yes.”
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Eight years and one kid later, Paul and I were on our third year teaching summer sailing camps in Hood River, Oregon. On one of our days off, Paul suggested that we go on a short hike to a waterfall. Not knowing that Paul was planning on proposing that day, I volunteered to watch our friend’s three-year old daughter, Lauren.
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After arriving at the falls, the four of us ate our picnic lunch (including the delicious brownies that Lauren’s mom had made) and visited the area that overlooked the falls. While the kids were banging on the trees with sticks, repeating a chant they had just made up (“Brownies in the trees, brownies in the trees…”), Paul and I attempted to take a picture of the two of us. I noticed that he’s acting unusual and being a bit quiet. He then surprised me by getting down on one knee and proposing with a ring that had been in the family for generations. Apparently, I once again asked him if he was serious before happily saying, “Yes!” We share the news with the kids who had been watching nearby, and the four of share in a group hug. It was a moment we will never forget.
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We had an outdoor garden wedding and could not have asked for nicer weather. Prior to our ceremony guests gathered in the front lawn and visited, before heading to the big white arbor where the ceremony took place. I walked down the aisle with my dad, to the Forest Gump Theme Song. After our ceremony guests mingled in the courtyard where they enjoyed appetizers and drinks and listened to music.
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We had a champagne color palette with an assortment of neutral and light pink flowers. One of my biggest hopes for our wedding day was to have everyone out on the dance floor, and much to my delight almost everyone was! One of the many highlights of the evening was doing a train around the dance floor and watching as my parents danced to Kriss Kross’ “Jump.” We couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate our life together.
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Special thanks to everyone that worked hard on Charissa + Paul’s wedding day!
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October 9, 2013
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What an adorable cake moment.